by Sheryl Garrett, Camilla Cornell

The Canadian publishing industry is doing their best to respond to the worldwide recession, and this one by Sharon Garrett, founder of the Garrett Planning Network, and Camilla Cornell, an award-winning personal finance writer is a welcome addition. Written with the same style and formatting of other "For Dummies" books - that is to say, extremely easy to navigate with a fantastically detailed table of contents and index – this one is less alarmist than other financial aid books which makes it immediately less intimidating (because let’s face it, financial insecurity is scary stuff). The first part is about what they call “The Basics”, or figuring out where you stand. You may be better off than you think, or there may be gaps you had not considered. This section lets you assess where you can save, where you can reduce debt and how you can set goals to get you to the next steps. Part 2 is extremely useful for those who want to know where and when to invest their hard-earned-and-increasingly-valuable cash, explaining the cycles through which the economy can go. It explains the differences between stocks, bonds, hedge funds, commodities, RRSPs and the relatively new TFSA (tax-free savings account), plus it delves into real estate investment trusts, government bonds, and gives tips on getting the most from employer pensions and taxable accounts. Part 3 focuses on understanding the risks involved with different types of investments, and provides advice on how to protect your savings for the long road ahead. Part 4 goes into how to accumulate savings – even for beginner investors, and then there are chapters on heading securely into retirement (active or the slowing-down stage), how and when to draw on your savings, and even how to preserve assets with estate planning for future generations. Whether you are on shaky, stable or secure financial footing, there is an abundance of helpful advice to be found in this book. Find 76 Tips for Investing in an Uncertain Economy For Canadians for Dummies in our on-line catalogue.


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